Real Madrid Transfers: A new sign that Erling Haaland is coming?

Erling Haaland of Borussia Dortmund (Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images)
Erling Haaland of Borussia Dortmund (Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images) /

When Real Madrid are linked closely to three of the biggest stars in world football and are desperate to acquire a top goal-scorer during a nearly impossible-to-navigate economic situation, silly season starts early. And I am here to help be your guide to the silliest of silly seasons, as Real pursue Erling Haaland, Kylian Mbappe, or maybe even Cristiano Ronaldo this summer. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of names we have seen linked to Los Blancos.

Haaland seems to be the most likely Galactico to land in Madrid. His club, Dortmund, are struggling this season in the Bundesliga and could even fail to qualify for the Champions League next season. He will be the cheapest of the superstars to acquire. Real and Dortmund have a good relationship. And finally, Haaland himself reportedly wants to move to Madrid this summer.

There’s another potential clue to the transfer saga that has emerged recently. According to Deportes Cuatro, Erling Haaland’s family has purchased property in Marbella.

The Norwegian national team spent a few days training in the Spanish city, and mayor Angeles Munoz gave Haaland a kit of the local club. And then she confirmed that his family bought property there. So basically, he already has a house in Spain.

Real Madrid or Barcelona? Los Blancos have an easier path to Erling Haaland

There are two Spanish clubs linked to Haaland, and they are the only two clubs that would conceivably be interested. Barcelona and Real Madrid, of course.

Both clubs need to sell to buy this summer, such is the state of the economy, but La Blaugrana are so far into the red that it seems just about impossible for them to sign Haaland. I do not 100 percent count them out due to the Joan Laporta return – I know better than to underestimate him – but it is becoming clear that Real are the dream destination and leaders in the Haaland sweepstakes.

We can’t read too much into the “who is buying property?” transfer league tier of rumors, because it’s typical of the silly season. It is almost comical, in a way, right? Hell, what if Haaland’s family just really enjoy Spain? It’s not hard to believe they’d fall in love with a city as famously beautiful around Europe as Marbella.

Next. The 5 players Real Madrid should have never sold. dark

But it is another clue and reason for Real Madrid fans to get excited and get their hopes up. I am all for the fans getting excited about Haaland, because he would be an amazing signing. And hell, we could all use something to hang our hopes on right now.